Yea! Mountain Bike Oregon, MBO, is here this weekend! Greenwaters park is full of campers, bikes, tents and more tents. There are demo vans from lots of companies-GT, Pivot, Mongoose, Mavic and more. The beer garden is always a hit once the sun gets low, and the bikes are back home for the evening, and it's time to recollect the best parts of the good day.
This is the 5th year for Mountian Bike Oregon, and the event is always getting better; better support for the riders and guides, better beer, better execution overall.
The shop is rocking along well. We have a new porch on the front of the shop to park your bike under while you chill out with buddies and watch the ever interesting traffic pass by on Highway 58. Norm Coyer built the structure, and we're proud to look at his fine craftsmanship every day. Come check it out!
Danielle and other community leaders have been putting a lot of energy into the 1st annual Oakridge Keg and Cask festival. Happening August 29, the festival is a mix of seven local breweries and wineries hosting a party and tasting on 1st St here in Oakridge, out in front of our local brewery The Brewers Union Local 180. It's 15 bucks, you get to taste a bunch of good brews, a sweet custom glass, and best of all all of the proceeds, 100%, go to the Oakridge Food Box and the Chamber of Commerce. Make sure to check out the myriad musicians who will be onsite and also at Greenwaters park.
With all of the riders passing through this summer it's fitting that someone wrote a review of the ever popular Alpine Trail. Check it out:,